10 Annoying Qualities People Have

There are some qualities that act as a turn off in people, there are many that you might like in a person, but the following traits are some that can be really annoying.

1. “It’s all Your Fault!”


These people love the ‘Blame Game’ and won’t ever accept their mistakes for whatsoever trouble they get in to.

2. “It’s enmity not enemity!” “Alright.” “You mean ‘All right’!!”


We understand how annoying grammatical errors can annoy Grammar Nazis, but seriously, give us a brake! 😛 “You mean break.”

3. “Aapko itna bhi nahi aata?” (You don’t know?!)

These people disrespect ignorance. They love spending their energy trying to make your mistakes obvious instead of correcting them.

4. “I’m gonna make senseless points and drain your energy because I like to win arguments.”



5. “You can totally trust me with this.” “Oops..I totally forgot that was supposed to be a secret.”


You love people of this clan for bringing you gossips about other people but remember, you have most certainly been on the ‘other’ side.

6. “I have 10 reasons to be happy yet I’m gonna focus on that one sad thing that happened 15 days back.”

You give them loads of good advice, but somehow they would work on everyone else but them.

7. “I love me OMG I just love talking about myself” “Cool..you know what happen-“ *Self centred bitch cuts in* “And I am so cool.”


No shit eh? These people love talking about themselves. “If you ain’t talking about them, they ain’t listening.”

8. “I hate it so I’m gonna make everyone hate it.”


The spoil sports. Last minute cancellations, I’m-so-bored comments over and over again, they do all of that.

9. The Show-Offs.

They bought a new dress? They’ve told you about it already! They did something you really don’t care about? You know about that too.

10. “I didn’t hear all of what she said, but I’m pretty sure she meant that.”

They hear what they want to hear and understand what they want to understand. You have a hard time clearing misunderstandings with them for most of them don’t even want to listen to you.

8 Reasons Why We Love Chandler Bing

1. He is Cute, Charming and Hilarious!


2. Because being sarcastically funny is an art.



3. He has a good comeback for most of the things.


4. Because, that smile.


5. And That Dance.


6. And he is a great Bro!


7. He deeply cares for his Friends.


8. And because when he Loved her, he was not afraid to say it.
